The Great Prediction
Preacher: JD Crowley Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission Topic: Mission/Evangelism Scripture: Acts 1:8
Grace Essentials Conference 2018 on Mission, Session #7: In the final session of our conference, JD Crowley takes us to the great mission verse Acts 1:8. But he contends that if we jump too soon to application, we strip the verse of its powerful intent. JD seeks to help us understand that Acts 1:8 is not primarily a command or commission but in fact a prediction—the greatest of all predictions. And if it is true, implications are staggering.
other sermons in this series
Feb 25
Our Objective in Missions
Preacher: Dave Doran Scripture: Matthew 28:19–20 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission
Feb 24
Conscience and Missions (Part 1)
Preacher: JD Crowley Scripture: Romans 14:1– 15:9 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission
Feb 24
Our Task in Missions
Preacher: Dave Doran Scripture: Matthew 28:19–20 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission