Conscience and Missions (Part 1)
Preacher: JD Crowley Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission Topic: Mission/Evangelism Scripture: Romans 14:1– 15:9
Grace Essentials Conference 2018 on Mission, Session #3: Veteran missionary JD Crowley (tribal regions, eastern Cambodia) begins a 2-part consideration of the conscience and missions from Romans 14-15. In this first part, he give us 12 principles from the Scripture for interacting with fellow believers on matters of conscience and helps us to see how vital this is to mission work, as Christ himself demonstrated for us.
other sermons in this series
Feb 25
Our Objective in Missions
Preacher: Dave Doran Scripture: Matthew 28:19–20 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission
Feb 25
The Great Prediction
Preacher: JD Crowley Scripture: Acts 1:8 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission
Feb 24
Our Task in Missions
Preacher: Dave Doran Scripture: Matthew 28:19–20 Series: Grace Essentials Conference 2018: Mission